Crown Version 1.0.1 Release

Release notes for version 1.0.1

User Permissions

One of our most requested features is now available. You can now control what users can see and do! 

To edit user permissions, please do the following:

1. Sign into Crown
2. Click on the name in the top right corner and select Settings
3. Click on User Admin
4. Click on the user you’d like to edit permissions for

Please note:
If an existing user’s permissions are changed, they must sign out and sign back into Crown for their new settings to be enabled.

Terminal Payments – Crown now accepts Cash and Check

When processing payments to the terminal, you can select Cash or Check in the drop-down and Crown will record these transactions along side your credit card transactions.

To enable check transactions, please do the following:

  1. Sign into Poynt HQ
  2. Click on “Settings” in the sidebar menu.
  3. On the right-hand side of the screen, under “Payments,” you’ll see the toggle to “Enable Pay by Check.”

Please note: Poynt does not process check transactions, and the merchant is responsible for verifying and cashing the check.

How to process cash or checks in Crown:

  1. Send a payment request to the terminal from Crown.
  2. Click on the drop-down menu located in the top left corner of the payment screen on the terminal (currently defaulted to Credit), and select Cash or Check.
  3. Complete the transaction on the Poynt terminal, and Crown will record the transaction.

Past Due Balances

We’ve added a new setting that allows you to choose whether you want upcoming payment plan payments or membership renewals to include past-due balances.

To edit these settings, please do the following:

1. Sign into Crown
2. Click on the name in the top right corner and select Settings
3. Click on Payment Plans or Memberships

In a future release, we’ll be giving you greater control over how you process past-due balances.

Performance Improvements

We’ve fed our servers some spinach and they are mightier than ever. We have also made some performance tweaks under the hood, all resulting in a much snappier experience across the platform.

Talk to us!

We’re always listening to enhancements requests to make Crown more powerful. Keep them coming, and you may see your request in a future release. If you need any assistance, please contact us.

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