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Omni-channel? Mono-processor!

In the complex landscape of retail that so many businesses traverse, it’s becoming increasingly necessary to look at every possible selling option. For so many, that means bolstering your brick and mortar shop, if you have one, upping your online e-commerce, and potentially using other avenues like ebay, amazon, or etsy. If a seller doesn’t take the time to define their payment processing structure, accepting credit cards as a small business will become cumbersome. Choosing a solid merchant account provider like Moolah is the way to do omnichannel right. That’s because we allow you to use the same payment processor and back-office processes to keep track of it all.

Use the same processor

The first and potentially biggest mistake businesses make with going omnichannel is allowing themselves to have different payment solutions for the different channels. This stems from the small business tendency toward organic growth. Organic here being a euphemism for “putting out fires as they come to you”. Small business owners will tend to pick the quickest and easiest choice, rather than crafting an overarching strategy, because strategizing takes time that business owners don’t feel they have. As you grow, disparate payment processors and back-end solutions continue to slow you down and hold you back as you try to make it work.

Data Safety first…

The ability to use the same payment processor greatly increases your business’s commitment to security for your customer’s payment information. In Moolah’s example, we rely on the highly trusted Authorize.Net for our payment processing, which means that not only do you reap the benefits of industry-leading security, but you also get to tell your customers about it by placing the Authorize.Net seal on your website. Customers who see a guarantee of this sort are less likely to second guess their transaction for security reasons.

…But Keep it simple

If a customer experiences too much friction as a result of the channel they are using, they may abandon their cart as a result of it. Having a cohesive grasp of your omnichannel experience allows you to use the same straightforward security standards for your online sales as you do in your store.

The necessary first step for any business toying with the idea of adding selling channels is to have a payment processing solution that responds to your business needs. A dedicated merchant account makes accepting credit cards as a small business work efficiently and securely right from the get go. Moolah is more than happy to answer your questions and show you how easy it is to get hooked up.

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